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Shanna Wall

By: | Mar 13, 2019
Whether you have a large or small business, defining your company policies can help build a better working environment for your employees and prevent misunderstandings that lead to problems. Putting your company policies in writing — and being upfront with your employees about acceptable and unacceptable behavior — sets the stage for success, too. Clearly... read more
By: | Jan 25, 2019
The good news: Many small businesses recognize the importance of company policies informing employees of their rights and workplace rules. The bad news: They’re not getting this information into the hands of every employee. By law, you must notify employees of certain workplace rights, such as equal employment opportunity, the Family and Medical Leave Act... read more
By: | Jan 02, 2019
A well-written employee handbook serves a vital role in the workplace. It outlines key policies, provides ground rules for conduct and helps create a positive and successful working environment. It can also protect you legally if questions arise about fair and consistent treatment. On the other hand, a poorly written handbook or one with inconsistencies... read more
By: | Sep 19, 2018
A small lawn and garden center requires women applying for positions to pass a lifting test. A loan repayment call center gives a written and oral pre-employment examination to all Hispanic or foreign-born applicants. A restaurant requires black applicants to undergo drug testing but doesn’t ask white applicants to do so. Can you spot the... read more
By: | Apr 02, 2018
Raise your hand if you enjoy disciplining or terminating problematic employees. Anyone? I thought so. No one enjoys this aspect of small business ownership, yet it comes with the territory. If you run a business, you must deal with difficult employees. As uncomfortable as it is for both parties, knowing how to manage the discipline... read more
By: | Feb 19, 2018
Documentation is essential when it comes to recording employee disciplinary action, yet it’s often an afterthought for small business owners. Instead of having a detailed history at their fingertips at all times, many owners find themselves building a case after the fact, which is a recipe for disaster. Choose Your Words Carefully When documenting employee... read more